Submitted by Catherine Redden, Library Director

1993 has been an exciting year for Lane Memorial Library. We have completed our first year with an automated circulation system. Staff and customers are to be commended for their patience as the new system didn’t always perform as fast or as efficiently as perfection. Getting to know the new system didn’t slow down the use of the library as we circulated 152,162 items, an increase of 13,646 over 1992, an increase of nearly 10 percent!. We added 5,180 new books, cassettes and compact discs with the appropriated funds and fine income and 200 new videos using the video rental fee. During the year 1,582 items were removed from the system because of loss, poor condition, or outdated information.

Changes were made throughout the year to improve service to the public. The separate fiction categories were interfiled by author, making it easier for the reshelving of books, and easier to find an author’s works. That Herculean task was achieved by Jean Keefe and Melissa Kubik while the library was open! Nonfiction videos were reclassified, so that they may be taken out for two weeks with no charge, just as a book would be. Bill Teschek is in the process of changing the nonfiction videos to be shelved with the appropriate subject material. We will continue to put all new materials on the shelves by the circulation desk for browsing. The New Adult Reader materials were moved from in the stacks to the periodical section so as to be visible to anyone who might know of anyone’s need of them. The old public use computers have been sold and the money put towards upgrading the word processing station in the Dearborn Room. We had hoped to make that a Christmas present to the public from the Friends of the Library, but not all estimates were in from the vendors in time. Look for the upgrade in early January.

The library staff worked hard on two special events, the indoor yard sale and the craft and bake sale, both captained by Joan Kahl, to make money for the library. They have decided to use that money to purchase another OPAC – online public access catalog – for the public to use at the circulation desk upstairs. That too, should be in place in January.

1993 was a year of Maintenance. We had leaks in the roof and in the basement, doors off hinges, locks that didn’t work, a boiler that burned, malfunctioning smoke detectors and intruder alarms and repairs to the heating and cooling systems. We’ve had roof repairs and snow guards installed. The inground oil tank was tested and new fittings installed to meet state specifications. The old microfilm machine was sold at auction and a functioning microfiche, microfilm reader printer was purchased to take its place. It is now possible not only to read the old Hampton Unions on microfilm, but it is also possible to print the articles.

The Children’s Room was busy with story hours and programs all year long. Joanne Straight did an admirable job of keeping the place going while Children’s Librarian Kathy Dunbrack was out on leave through the summer. The summer program “Ketchup on Your Reading” was a hit with an average of 75 participants per week. The Gift of Reading Program sponsored by the Rockingham Community Action Program provided new hardcover books for 41 low income Hampton preschoolers. Funding for the program was supplied by the Hampton Rotary and the First NH Bank. In all, 2,419 people attended 138 programs in the Children’s Department. Especially popular was an American Girls program in December. With little advance warning some willing participants were found to ride in our last minute Christmas Parade float. The 1994 float will be planned ahead; we’re going for a prize!

We couldn’t have functioned all year without the consistent quality work of all the staff, those mentioned above, as well as Alice Alford, Joanne Mulready, Marie Sullivan, and Mary Fiumara. Our bills were paid promptly by Margaret Lovett, our bookkeeper.

We look forward to 1994 being a year of collection development, as we reevaluate the mission of the library and formulate a long range plan. As we necessarily thin the collection to make room for new materials by discarding outdated information, we will be evaluating the different areas of the collection and focusing on strengthening the weak areas. We are planning to strengthen the reference area by purchasing a computer with CD-ROM for that area. It is now possible to have the entire United States phone directories on these little computer discs. Entire encyclopedias can also be found on a disc, complete with visuals and sound effects. Back issues of magazine articles can be easily accessed through the new technology of CD-ROM, providing access to many periodicals not owned. We invite you all to come and participate in your local library during 1994.