Winnacunnet High School Summer Reading for Seniors

"The [one] who does not read good books has no advantage over the [one] who can't read them." Mark Twain

Dear member of the class of 2003:

Reading is one of the most important skills an individual can acquire, for both vocational and personal benefits. In an effort to encourage your individual development and to promote a lifelong love in this area, the Humanities Area offers you the opportunity to choose books of particular interest to meet the summer reading requirement. This standard applies to all upcoming seniors and invites parents/guardians to share the process by verifying successful completion. It is mandatory that this sheet be returned to the student's homeroom teacher during the first week of school, regardless of which semester English and/or social studies is to be taken.

In addition, one specific book is required or suggested, depending on level. Students will be requested to share their understanding of books read, pending individual instructors' requirements. It is our sincere desire that you enjoy this opportunity.

C           1 biography, non-fiction or fiction book of at least 250 pages OR 3 articles from one or more magazines. If you take the magazine article option, answer the questions on the magazine article option form for each article: 1 book/article set required.

A & B       Eye of the Needle by Ken Follett AND 1 non-fiction book or biography of at least 250 pages: 2 bks req.

World Lit. AP      Reading in the Dark by Seamus Deane AND The Old Man Who Read Love Stories by Luis Sepulveda AND The Handmaid's Tale by Margaret Atwood: 3 books required. (additional verification by teacher)

World Hist. AP      Ishmael by Daniel Quinn (fiction) AND Guns, Germs and Steel: The Fates of Human Societies by Jared Diamond (non-fiction): 2 books required. (additional verification by teacher)


Student Name__________________________

Eye of the Needle by Ken Follett


Fiction Title___________________________________Author__________________

Non-fiction Title________________________________Author__________________

Biography Title________________________________Author___________________

Article Set Magazine and Story Titles_________________________________________


Additional AP requirements_______________________________________________

I acknowledge that my child has fulfilled the Winnacunnet Humanities Area summer reading requirement by reading the books listed above which go with his/her placement.

Signature of parent/or guardian________________________date_________