Reader's Advisory

The Most Frequently Read Novels of 2013

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If you are looking for a good read, try one of the 25 novels below. According to the library's circulation statistics these are the most popular novels that our patrons read last year. Best of all you probably won't have to go on a long waiting list to read them. Many are probably just sitting on the shelf waiting for you to grab them. There's a pretty wide variety here, too. Something for most peoples' tastes. And, of course, the obligatory five titles by James Patterson.

A New Favorite Author

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It's always nice to stumble upon a new author whose books really excite you. A few months ago I picked up a book by a man named Blake Crouch, about whom I had heard exactly nothing. It was titled "Pines", and sounded interesting. When I read it I was so hooked by the plot that I had a hard time putting it down, and finished it in a little over a day.

The Most Popular Books of the Past Five Years

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Looking for some good summer reads? If you aren't yet on the list for this year's top titles and want something right away, why not try the best from the past? Here is a list of the top ten books in each of the past five calendar years, as judged by how many times they were checked out of the library. Do you see any that you wanted to read but missed? With one exception all of these are novels written primarily for adults. Who can figure out what the one exception is?


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